Beautiful widflower in sunrise

We envision a society where everyone has equitable access to healthy food and clean air and water, and underserved communities are included in decision making processes that affect them.
Together, we move beyond the damaging environmental practices of the past and collectively work to support and maintain ecological resilience and balance.

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Join us for a July 30th webinar on the Climate Protection Program!

Join us on Tuesday, July 30th at 5:30 PM for a free, virtual conversation about the Climate Protection Program (CPP). Learn how the CPP can equitably address climate change by centering environmental justice communities, including people of color, low-income families, seniors, folks with disabilities, and those living in rural and coastal regions who experience climate change first and worst.

Attend this free virtual webinar to learn more about CPP’s investments in our communities, examples of projects it can be used for, and what YOU can do to make a difference. The Oregon Climate Protection Protection is an easy way to make a positive impact and address the root cause of climate change. We want to hear your voice!

WHAT: Zoom Webinar on the Climate Protection Pogram's community investments
WHEN: Tuesday, July 30 at 5:30 p.m.
Spanish interpretation available

Read MORE about the Climate Protection Program

Man drinking water during heat wave

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) offers free air conditioners and air purifiers to people who qualify. This protects people at risk from extreme heat and wildfire smoke. In 2023, we partnered with Oregon Health Authority to distribute over 200 air conditioners and air purifiers to community members at greatest risk to heat-related issues. Applications for this program are now on pause. The pause is to make sure qualified people who applied for an air conditioner can get one. OHA will update this page when applications open again.

Read more about the resources available in Lane County to help you Beat The Heat

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Bee-Dazzle us with your love of bees!
2024 Beauty of the Bee Photo Contest is NOW OPEN!

Send us your favorite original photo of bees in any setting, whether in the wild or in your own back yard. We will accept one photo entry per person. This year, we are highlighting the increasingly worrisome decline of our native bee species. Bee creative! | ENTER TODAY->>

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Sweat Bee In Aster by Debi Murk

The Plight of Bees and Their Role in Food Security

A blog by John Jordan-Cascade, Beyond Toxics Web Manager and Beauty of the Bee Photo Contest Organizer

As of 2024, the situation regarding bee populations in the U.S. shows some surprising developments. Honeybee populations, in particular, have seen significant growth. Over the past five years, the number of honeybee colonies has increased by more than one million, bringing the total to nearly 4 million. However, the situation is not uniformly positive across all bee species. Far from it! Wild bees and other native bee species continue to face severe challenges... | Read more


Important Events & Campaigns

Aug. 2024 Ice Cream Social
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Coffin Butte web meeting

Most recent episodes of the Why We Do The Work podcast!

WWDTW - episode 17

In The News

OPB - 7-22-24
KLCC report - July 2024 - Coffin Butte

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