Beautiful widflower in sunrise

We envision a society where everyone has equitable access to healthy food and clean air and water, and underserved communities are included in decision making processes that affect them. Together, we move beyond the damaging environmental practices of the past and collectively work to support and maintain ecological resilience and balance.



Thanks to your incredible support and persistent pressure, the Eugene City Council has withdrawn the zoning decision for the Trainsong biofuel transfer station! This is a huge win for our community and proof that when we raise our voices together, the City Council listens. While the fight isn't over yet, this victory shows we’re on the path to protecting Trainsong from this hazardous project.

Please let your City Councilor and Mayor Vinis know that you appreciate their willingness to listen to the public and to recognize that Eugene can do better! Eugene can exercise its authority to protect our local pollution burdened communities from corporate targeting and exploitation. Eugene can be a model of environmental justice for all!


Thank you for standing strong with us! The power of grassroots organizing - and speaking truth to power - is key to change! Stay tuned and be ready to keep pushing back until we stop this proposed biofuel station for good!

Eugene withdraws approval for a new fuel-transfer facility in Trainsong by Nathan Wilk, KLCC
October 18, 2024


Reworld Marion, formerly Covanta Marion waste incinerator in Brooks, Oregon.

Reworld to close Oregon facility, further limiting West Coast incinerator presence By Jacob Wallace, Editor, WasteDive (Oct. 16, 2024)

Brooks incinerator to end waste services. What that could mean for garbage rates by Tracy Loew, Salem Statesman Journal (Oct. 11, 2024)

Oregon’s Waste Incinerator, Reworld Marion, is closing
The facility failed to adhere to emissions monitoring regulations set forth by the 2023 Oregon Legislature and is shuttering its remaining West Coast facilities.

After advocating for stronger Oregon regulations for waste incinerators, Beyond Toxics has learned that Reworld Marion, formerly known as Covanta Marion, will end waste incineration operations as of December 31, 2024. The international corporation stated in communications to Marion County it will turn its attention to “new business opportunities … in North America.”

The corporation’s announcement follows the passage of SB 488, a 2023 environmental health bill introduced by Sen. Deb Patterson of District 10 where the incinerator is located. The bill required regular emissions sampling and reporting of hazardous dioxins, furans, heavy metals and particulate matter pollution from the incinerator. Prior to the bill, Reworld instead conducted one annual pollution stack test.

“Over the past two years, Reworld has repeatedly failed to adhere to air pollution regulations passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2023,” said Lisa Arkin, Executive Director of Beyond Toxics. “We don’t doubt that Reworld would rather close this facility than confess to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the communities downwind of their operations, the true concentration of the air pollution they spread throughout the mid-Willamette Valley.”

Read the full press release (PDF)


Read more about the threat of a new class of chemicals called PFAs!

PFAS chemicals are a class of chemicals that appear to have infiltrated every corner of our modern world. PFAS’ human-made chemicals are in our blood, clothes, and cosmetics. They are in air, water, soil, sediments, and in rain.

PFAS either are, or degrade to, persistent chemicals that accumulate in humans, animals and the environment. This adds to the total burden of chemicals to which people are exposed and increases the risk of health impacts. | Read more->>

See our new page: Chemicals that were once common and are now banned in the U.S. (information provided by Stuart Greenleaf)


Events & Get Involved

Resilience Markets
2024 EEFF film - with AAB

Most recent episodes of the Why We Do The Work podcast!

WWDTW - episode 17

In The News

KLCC report on Trainsong meeting - Oct 2024
Oct 7_2024 Trainsong Meeting
Oct. 1, 2024 - KEZI
9-18--24 KLCC

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