Get Involved


Oregon’s Environmental Justice Task Force holds regular meetings for which the public is invited to testify. A Latinx worker speaks about her experiences in Oregon. Photo by Natalie Hardwicke.

There are many reasons to be hopeful!

Our dedicated staff and committed Board of Directors could not do the work we do in Oregon without the generous help of community members like you!

On this page we offer great ideas for how to get involved in your community on behalf of environmental justice!

Beyond Toxics is a statewide environmental justice organization advancing policies that ensure meaningful participation and cultivating grassroots leadership from Oregon’s frontline and impacted communities. Established in 2001, we are a multicultural, inter-generational team dedicated to centering community leaders and building out the true diversity of our state’s vibrant Environmental Justice movement.

See About Us for details on the values that drive our work. | See our Events page
Read about our recent Accomplishments

How You Can Make a Difference


1) Become informed!

Learn more about the issues that matter to you. Explore the campaigns listed below to find one that addresses the environmental health and justice issue that matters most to you.





We are involved in exciting campaigns across these main issue areas:

Businessman using laptop computer

2) Online Advocacy!

See all our current advocacy campaigns and Take Action today!



3) Join us for our events!

See our events page to find out what's happening next!


Former staffers Meet Panchal and Paige Hopkins set up an air quality monitor in Southern Oregon.

4) Work with us!


There are no job openings at the moment.



5) Join us!

There are MANY reasons to be hopeful…Beyond Toxics remains your vigilant advocate.

Become a member of Beyond Toxics. Read about how you can join

Read more about business sponsorship support. | Contact Emily for more about how your business can support our work.

Read about our recent accomplishments

Read the many testimonials about our work in the community


6) Sign up for Beyond Toxics e-news and action alerts!

Click on the SUBSCRIBE button to the left and fill in your email address to sign up.


7) Volunteer or create an internship with us!

Internship Intake Form | Volunteer Intake Form




Left: Yessenia Rodriguez, former intern, worked in our pollinator garden at the Huerto de la Familia's organic family garden in West Eugene.

It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act.

~ The Dalai Lama

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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button above and fill in your email address to sign up.