State Integrated Pest Management Policy

Whereas, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to long-term prevention and/or suppression of pest problems. IPM programs, as defined by the US Environmental Protection Agency, use biological, cultural, physical, mechanical, educational, and chemical methods in site-specific combinations to solve the pest problem, and

Whereas, the goal of IPM is to prioritize pest control options which represent the least risk of damage to the environment, non-target species, and humans. Chemical controls are used only when needed, as a last resort, and in the least-toxic formulation that is effective, and

Whereas, the USDA National Roadmap for IPM has concluded that “Expanding IPM programs … would reduce human health risks posed by pests and the tactics used to manage them, and also reduce or mitigate the adverse environmental effects of pest management practices,” and

Whereas, the US EPA has reported that IPM, when viewed by traditional economics, often results in lower costs than conventional pest management, and

Whereas, the U.S. General Services Administration has determined that IPM can be “pragmatic, economical and effective on a massive scale,” and

Whereas, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has adopted Toxics Reduction Strategies to protect Oregonians from the impacts of toxic pollutants, and reducing toxics, including pesticides, in the environment is one of DEQ’s top priorities. The DEQ concluded that the most effective way to reduce pollution is through prevention that targets chemical pollutants; at the source, recognizing that prevention measures are less expensive and more effective, efficient and reliable than treating or cleaning up pollutants after use, and

Whereas, the State of Oregon, as a part of Oregon’s early legislative efforts to realize statewide toxics use reduction, approved ORS 634.650 in 1991 requiring state agencies to implement IPM procedures for public facilities, and designate an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator to manage the integrated pest management program of the agencies, and

Whereas, the State of Oregon has passed School Integrated Pest Management legislation in 2009 that significantly reduces pesticide use at Oregon’s schools K-12, both public and private schools and prohibits pesticides for aesthetic, routine and preventative purposes, and

Whereas, Governor Kitzhaber has declared clean air and clean water as a priority and issued Executive Order 12-05 directing the Department of Administrative Services to revise state purchasing and procurement practices “to reduce effectively the amount of toxics chemicals of concern contained in products used by state agencies as well as by contract service providers,” and

Whereas, legislation in 2001 eliminated fund allocations pertaining to IPM and the Interagency IPM Committee and eliminated the state IPM Coordinator, and

We call upon the 2013 Oregon State Legislature to establish a state goal of reducing pesticides on State public properties to protect humans, natural resources, land, water, air and wildlife.

We call upon the 2013 Oregon State Legislature to update definitions in the Oregon Integrated Pest Management requirement (ORS 634.650) to reflect current medical and scientific research, and align the older State IPM Statute with the objectives and requirements of Oregon’s School IPM law (ORS 634.700 – 634.750) passed in 2009, one objective being pesticide use as a last resort following least toxic alternatives.

We call upon the 2013 Oregon State Legislature to reinstate the funding for the IPM Coordinator and the Interagency IPM Committee.

Please add your name below to indicate your support. Thank you!

Safe Public Places Campaign Endorsement

Please fill out this form to show your support for our campaign for pesticide reform on PUBLIC property. Your endorsement will help us gather more support from business and political leaders in Oregon.

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2012-2013 Endorsements - Non-profits/Business/Unions

Beyond Toxics
Branch Fence Ranch Organics
Cascade Creative Productions
Cascadia Wildlands
Center for Biological Diversity
Centro LatinoAmericano
Church Women United of Lane County
Columbia Riverkeeper
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air
Deer Creek Farm
Defenders of Wildlife
Environment and Human Rights Advisory
Eugene Safe Routes to School
GMO-Free Oregon
Hells Canyon Preservation Council
Huerto de la Familia
Indigo Moon
Infrared Breast Health, LLC
Josiah Hill Clinic
Kalmiopsis Audubon
Lane County Audubon Society
Lane County Medical Society
League of Women Voters of Oregon
Mother PAC
Neighbors for Clean Air
Northwest Environmental Advocates
Northwest Environmental Defense Center
OPAL Environmental Justice
Oregon Commission for Women
Oregon Conservation Network
Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
Oregon Environmental Council
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Oregon Sierra Club
Oregon Wild
Pacific Rivers Council
PCUN (Oregon’s Farmworker Union)
Pesticide Action Network
Rachel's Friends Breast Cancer Coalition
Rivers Turn Farm
Standing Together to Outlaw Pesticides
Surfrider Foundation
Sustainable Earth Products
Three Peaks AFH, Paintedhill Farm
UNETE (Center for Farmworker Advocacy Southern Oregon)

2012-2013 Endorsements - Individuals

Lisa Arkin
John Jordan-Cascade, Cascade Creative Productions
Alison Guzman
Brenda Fletchall
Tracye May
Tinda Cleary
Clark Anderson
Feena Powers
Andy Graham, Bio Taxi, LLC
Alison Applebee, Three Peaks AFH, Paintedhill Farm
Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed., Infrared Breast Health, LLC
Robin Bloomgarden
Ruth Anne Paul
Michelle Holman, Deer Creek Farm
Audrey Moore
Eron King, Standing Together to Outlaw Pesticides
Meyana Dummer
Barbara Cosby
William Evans
Patricia Clark-McDowell, Cortesia Sanctuary
Geneva Gill
Sherry Franzen
Benton Elliott
Christine Abbott
Jill Davidson
Nena Lovinger
Vicki Levine
Harold Codman
Chris Rusch
Thomas Brex
Glenn Harden
Ann Kneeland
Gina Thomas, Stillpoint Farm
Laura M. Ohanian
Lee DeVeau
Kathy Royce
Melody Carr
Bill Wood, Beeologique
Kari Rein, Naturespirit Herbs
Glenda Dennis
Carter McKenzie
Suzanne Denker
William Ward
John Herberg
Gwyneth Iredale, @Hand Online Marketing
Chris Roth
Donald Gudehus
Karen Stingle
Mary Bauer
David Monk
Jeff Schiminsky, Toxic Awareness Body of Oregon
Susan and Richard Harlan
Loretta Huston
Anne O'Brien
Robin Bloomgarden
Ed Jones, Lockmasters of Newport
John Heintz
Marissa Athens
Randy Robinson
Eron Waking, Standing Together to Outlaw Pesticides
Joanne Gordon, Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
John Sundquist, Rivers Turn Farm
Sabena Stark
Carter McKenzie
Ken Neubeck
Millie Illin
Tom Kerns
Melissa Large
Janet Huntamer, Branch Fence Ranch Organics
Susan Hanson
Lanara Rosen
Theresa Gatley, Indigo Moon
Laurie Bernstein
Janette St. Pierre of Sustainable Earth Products
Sophie Bybee
Becky Brown
Holly Garland
Sabrina Siegel, GMO-Free Oregon
John Hamburg
Kevin Melia
Lori Weber
Sara Heule
Jennifer Steimer



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Beyond Toxics is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
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Lane County Office
120 Shelton McMurphey Blvd.
Suite 280
Eugene, OR 97401

+1 (541) 465-8860

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312 N. Main St., Suite B
Phoenix, Oregon 97535

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P.O. Box 1106
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