Oven Cleaners

Close-up of woman cleaning oven at home

Hazardous Ingredients:

Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
Also found in some auto care products, at-home hair dyes, and home maintenance products such as stains or glosses for paint and wood products:
Monoethanolamine (MEA)
Also found in some home maintenance products and at home hair dyes:
Sodium hydroxide (lye)

Health effects:
Oven cleaners containing these materials cause burns to eyes and skin on contact, and can cause burns to one’s mouth, throat and stomach if swallowed.

Proper Use and Disposal:
One should wear long rubber gloves when using oven cleaner containing these ingredients to avoid contact with skin. Avoid contact with all mucous membranes and clothes as well. Avoid placing containers in hot areas or near anything that radiates heat, as there is a possibility the container will explode if heated. ALWAYS FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON LABEL OR PACKAGING.

The best option for disposal is contacting your local hazardous waste management facility and bringing your cans in to them.

If you must dispose of oven cleaner before the container is empty, the recommendation is that you dilute it heavily with water and then pour it down the drain.

Make your own safer oven cleaner

Recipe 1:
1/4 cup of baking soda
2 table spoons of salt
Hot water (as needed to make paste)
Mix ingredients together, apply to oven, and let paste sit for 5 minutes
Warning: Keep off of wires and heating elements

Recipe 2:
2 table spoons of liquid soap (castile, peppermint)
2 tea spoons of borax
1 quart of warm water

Also, you can usually find nontoxic, biodegradable options at your local market.

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