Plants of the Kalapuya Wetlands

Photos of Camus by Greg Archuleta, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Indians
The mural features the names of the plants in the Santiam dialect of the Kalapuya language along with their common and Latin names. The Kalapuya names were taken from the Kalapuya Dictionary, compiled by Paul Stephen McCartney, Sr. (1940-2021) with the assistance of Komemma Kalapuya elder, Esther Stutzman, founder of the Komemma Cultural Protection Association. The dictionary was completed and printed in the fall of 2021. Esther Stutzman and her granddaughter Aiyanna Brown, who are Kalapuyan descendants, have spearheaded the effort to print and distribute the Kalapuya-English dictionaries. Visual representation of Kalapuya language and lifeways through public art is a gift to the community.
Featured wetland plants important to the Kalapuya people throughout past and present times.
(click on the images below to learn more about each plant)
Kalapuyan names in the Santiam dialect are noted in bold font and scientific names are italicized.

Willamette Valley Gumweed
Grindelia integrifolia

Madia sp.

Narrowleaf Mule’s Ears
Uamelk Tepok
Wyethia angustifolia

Cut-leaf Microseris
Microseris laciniata

Barestem Biscuitroot
Lomatium nudicaule

Common Camas
Camassia quamash
* The project is supported by grants from the City of Eugene Office of Human Rights and Neighborhoods, Gray Family Fund and Spirit Mountain Community Fund.
Thank you to our co-collaborators and partners in this project:
Beyond Toxics (project lead), Friendly Area Neighborhood Equity Action Team, City of Eugene Parks and Open Space, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and the Boys & Girls Club of Emerald Valley.
Thanks also to our business sponsors:
Rainbow Valley Design & Construction, Café Mam, WildCraft Cider Works, GloryBee, Farmers Union Coffee Roasters, Garden Fever!