West Eugene Community Meetings

Our next meeting is March 8th and will be an in-person gathering!



WHAT: West Eugene Community Meeting
WHEN: March 8th from 6-7:15 pm 
WHERE: Willamette High School - Media Room (in person only) - google map

Learn more about the Public Health Overlay Zone (PHOZ) sign-on letter that Beyond Toxics wrote to the Mayor and City Council urging them to implement the PHOZ to protect human health within the community.

In January of 2022 JH Baxter (wood treatment plant in west Eugene) shutdown after the DEQ found high levels of dioxin on the site and in the yards of residents living near the facility. To combat the health impacts within the community Beyond Toxics has crafted two innovative policies called Public Health Overlay Zone and Risk Bonds.

Beyond Toxics will be sharing information on the PHOZ/Risk Bonds and how these policies can benefit the community! We will also be sharing updates about the JH Baxter soil clean-up project.

Our guest speaker, Councilor Randy Groves, will be speaking on how the council is preparing for work sessions on the PHOZ/Risk Bonds.

All ages welcome. Snacks will be provided.

Let us know on our Facebook event page if you intend to be there

For the latest Beyond Toxics air-quality research reports, see this Resources listing