Waste Management Projects

We envision a future with a holistic waste management approach that considers the use of resources from cradle to grave. Our end goal must be zero waste.

UPDATE - EPA Finds Violations at Coffin Butte Landfill
We worked with Industrious Labs to submit a FOIA request to the US EPA, Region 10, to obtain their report following a regulatory inspection the agency completed in June 2024. This inspection is part of a larger EPA investigation evaluating if Coffin Butte Landfill is violating the Clean Air Act and follows the EPA inspection in 2022 which found several large methane leaks. After receiving documents from the EPA, Beyond Toxics analyzed the Agency's report and created a 3-page summary that tells the story of the EPA’s finding of 41 violations of methane emissions that far exceeded the regulatory limit of 500 ppm. The majority of these methane leaks occurred at anywhere from 4 to 200 times over the allowed limit. The ongoing evidence of egregious methane leaks at Oregon landfills will be an important educational piece to share with decision-makers.


Proposed Solution
See more about Oregon legislation we are advocating pass this legislative session: Monitoring Methane Emissions - SB 726
Read more on our Beyond Toxics 2025 Legislative Commitments page

Take Action
Contact your Senator and ask them to support SB 726 TODAY!
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OPB interview with LA - Jan2025-BEST


EPA inspection uncovered methane leaks at Benton County landfill
By Nathan Wilk (KLCC) - Jan. 18, 2025 

GREAT interview on OPB's Think Out Loud radio show!
Marion County’s move from incineration to landfill illustrates the problems with both methods of trash disposal, featuring an interview with Lisa Arkin, Beyond Toxics Exec. Director and Senator Sara Gelser Blouin​ - By Allison Frost (OPB, Think Out Loud radio)

See more news below

Why is Waste Management An Important Issue of Concern?

Climate Justice

Whether trash is landfilled or incinerated, there are challenges in managing the production of greenhouse gasses. Incineration produces a whole lot of carbon dioxide, while decomposing organic waste in landfills produces methane, a greenhouse gas 84x more powerful than carbon dioxide. Methane can build up at a landfill and result in massive leaks to the atmosphere. Additionally, carbon monoxide and particulates are produced when captured landfill gas is burned as fuel at a gas-to-energy facility or flare.


Air Quality

Whether waste is incinerated or deposited into a landfill, there are many impacts to air quality that need to be addressed for community safety. Incineration combines all of the chemicals found in waste creating new hazardous byproducts that need to be caught and mitigated rather than enter nearby community air spaces, which can pose health risks. Similarly, landfills slowly generate landfill gas, a combination of methane, carbon dioxide, and tons of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Landfill gas constantly searches for a way to escape the landfill and enter the atmosphere where it can harm the climate, nearby residents health, or create a noxious smell posing nuisance concerns. Whether it's a landfill or an incinerator, Beyond Toxics is a watchdog ensuring regulators are holding waste management facilities accountable.

Movement-of-Leachate 2_27_24_1400px

Leachate and Water Quality

Leachate can be thought of as garbage juice. Sound gross? As water travels through landfills or incineration ash, it accumulates all sorts of toxic materials along the way including heavy metals, solvents, and more. Throughout the waste management process, water is introduced to garbage or waste byproducts contaminating it with toxins found in the waste stream. In incinerators, water is introduced into leftover ash in order to cool the ash to manageable temperatures. Additionally, ash from incinerators is frequently landfilled in ash monofills or in regular landfills mixed with other garbage, which results in another opportunity for leachate creation. In landfills, water is introduced to garbage, or ash, by precipitation or residual moisture from food waste and other materials.

How is Leachate managed?
Landfill operators are required to install a leachate collection system by placing pipes along the bottom of the landfill which is lined with a plastic membrane to prevent contact with soil and groundwater. Some landfills choose to add additional protections such as a clay layer. When the membrane rips or tears from wear over time, leachate can contaminate the groundwater and soil forming a plume. In an ideal scenario, the liner catches the leachate and pumps it into a storage “bladder” or tank.

Most landfills send their leachate to municipal wastewater treatment facilities, where it is combined with city sewage. Sewage treatment facilities are not designed to treat the highly concentrated toxins present in leachate, and consequently many of the heavy metals and PFAS pass through the treatment plant.

Read more about PFAS



Coffin Butte Landfill

Communities around the Coffin Butte Landfill, north of Corvallis, sought our assistance to help stop a plan to expand the landfill by 30% and understand the landfill's toxic impact. Collaborating with the community, our research uncovered alarming methane leaks and millions of gallons of landfill leachate, containing high levels of PFAS, discharged into the Willamette River every year. | Learn more


Beyond Toxics Summary of EPA report, "Clean Air Act Partial Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report" (PDF)

8 Reasons to Oppose Expanding Coffin Butte (PDF)

Landfills in Washington and Oregon leaked ‘explosive’ levels of methane last year - Grist Magazine

See the April 2024 webinar: Future of Benton County and Coffin Butte (YouTube)

See Mason Leavitt's latest blog, "What’s Trash Got To Do With It? Toxics!"

Read the latest news


Covanta Incinerator

VICTORY! Covanta (Marion Reworld) closed at the end of 2024! (Read more)

Marion Reworld (foprmerly Covanta Marion) was Oregon’s only garbage incinerator. The 1986 complex was one of the oldest, most out-of-date and polluting facilities. It burned an assortment of waste products to produce 13 megawatts of electricity. Covanta was among Oregon’s most dangerous polluters. The incinerator produced highly toxic air emissions from its stacks and toxic-laden ash that is hauled away and dumped on land. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality determined that high levels of mercury in the Willamette River are associated with the waste water that Covanta Marion discharged directly into the river. | Learn more


Short Mountain Landfill

Organic material in the landfill decays anaerobically - producing methane, carbon dioxide, and other trace gasses. Methane and carbon dioxide are categorized as pollutants due to their warming potential in the atmosphere. Methane can build up at a landfill and result in massive leaks to the atmosphere. Our success in urging the creation of an Integrated Material and Energy Recovery Facility at Short Mountain (pictured above) will make a big difference to reduce methane gas releases in Lane County. | Learn more

CleanLane Resource Recovery Facility - 2-pager (PDF)

Tomatoes in plastic tray and plastic wrap packaging


A growing body of scientific research has found links between exposure to PFAS, a class of chemicals, and a wide range of health problems, including a weaker immune system, cancer, increased cholesterol levels, pregnancy-induced hypertension, liver damage, reduced fertility, and increased risk of thyroid disease. | Learn more


EPA inspection uncovered methane leaks at Benton County landfill
By Nathan Wilk (KLCC) - Jan. 18, 2025 

GREAT interview on OPB's Think Out Loud radio show!
Marion County’s move from incineration to landfill illustrates the problems with both methods of trash disposal, featuring an interview with Lisa Arkin, Beyond Toxics Exec. Director and Senator Sara Gelser Blouin​ - By Allison Frost (OPB, Think Out Loud radio)

Pressure mounts on methane-polluting Oregon landfill to clean up its act by Isobel Whitcomb, Canary Media

Coffin Butte Landfill proposed expansion raises environmental and health concerns - An interview with Isobel Whitcomb, a science and environmental reporter for Canary Media

Residents, environmental groups oppose expansion of Coffin Butte Landfill
By Julio Mora Rodriguez Aug 9, 2024 (KEZI News)

Numerous safety violations have been detected at the fast-growing landfill. It’s part of a larger pattern of problems with how the U.S. handles waste. Isobel Whitcomb, Canary Media

Benton County residents report odor and fire risks at Coffin Butte landfill
KLCC, Aug. 4, 2024

Coffin Butte Landfill workers allege safety and environmental violations
Statesman Journal, April 16, 2024

More Than Half of U.S. Landfills Are Methane ‘Super-Emitters,’ Study Finds
By: Cristen Hemingway Jaynes
Published: EcoWatch, March 29, 2024

Oregon cites Republic Services' Coffin Butte Landfill following worker complaints
Workers have been raising health and environment concerns for more than six months. The company denies the allegations - by Tracy Loew, Salem Statesman Journal

See the "Waste Management" section of our In The News page for more background.



Beyond Toxics Summary of EPA report, "Clean Air Act Partial Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report" (PDF) | Read the full EPA report

Read more about our 2025 legislative commitments, esp. Monitoring Methane Emissions - SB 726

8 Reasons to Oppose Expanding Coffin Butte (PDF)

See Chemicals that were once common and are now banned in the U.S. (information provided by Stuart Greenleaf)

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