A helicopter applies herbicides in a clear-cut area. | credit: Bureau of Land Management
Beyond Toxics has been involved with grassroots efforts to battle pesticide drift in Lane County since 2005, including:
- Formation of Oregon Pesticide Action Working Group (OPWG)
- Carrying out two years of the Highway 36 Adopt-A-Landscape no-spray roadside project
- Hosting dozens of town hall meetings
- Ongoing outreach programs to rural communities
- Communication with several state agencies about the problem of pesticide trespass
- Panel presentations at the annual PIELC (e-law) conferences
- Publishing reports on the implications of pesticide exposure
The investigation by state and federal agencies into pesticide exposure at Triangle Lake (Lane County, Oregon) began in response to the discovery that 2,4D and atrazine were showing up in the urine of dozens of local residents, including school children.
Highway 36 Corridor Investigation 2014 Update
The Oregon Health Authority has released their draft report, "Public Health Assessment Highway 36 Corridor Exposure Investigation."
Public testimony submitted for the Environmental Health Assessment's investigation of Highway 36 Corridor Exposure
- Lisa Arkin, Executive Director, Beyond Toxics
- Greg Haller, Conservation Director, Pacific Rivers Council
- Roberta Lindberg, Cottage Grove
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E
Exhibit F
NEWS reports:
- The Triangle Lake chemical trespass story hits the national media: see the 10 min. video on PBS News Hour
- Hear the latest Living on Earth radio report on Triangle Lake
- State will investigate pesticide case: A group presented proof that herbicides were found in the urine of residents in the Triangle Lake area by SUSAN PALMER, The Register-Guard, (June 13, 2011)
- Officials to hear pesticide concerns: Triangle Lake residents will meet with state and federal agencies by SUSAN PALMER, The Register-Guard (July 12, 2011)
- Coast Range Community Receives Lab Results From Pesticide Investigation (Jan. 2, 2012) | Amelia Templeton, Earthfix News Service (OPB)
- 6 Things You Should Know About the Triangle Lake Pesticide Investigation (Jan. 5, 2012) | Earthfix News Service (OPB)
Action Items
On Jan. 10th, 2012 Beyond Toxics sent a letter to Jae Douglas of the Oregon Health Authority, officially requesting Forestry Pesticide Spray Records (PDF file)
- MORE backgound on the Highway 36/Triangle Lake Exposure Investigation from the Oregon Health Authority
- Read the NEW Forestry Pesticide Project page
- Pesticide Reform Action page (and sign our Pesticide Reform Statement of Principles form)
- Pesticide Reform home page
- Read Lisa Arkin's blog post, "Hide and Seek: What is the forest industry trying to hide?"
- blog post about showing the documentary “Living Downstream” in Deadwood, OR
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Beyond Toxics is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible. Please consider giving a gift of a Beyond Toxics membership to a friend or family member!